
Showing posts from July, 2006

Last Walk Through the Neighborhood

Bella, C and I spent Sunday morning walking through South Ken, Little Boltons and Earls Court. We even stopped for coffee and newspapers at our favorite little French place- where we went on a very early date back in the summer of 2002. Just soaking up the last bit of time in our soon-to-be Old Stomping Grounds. And then in the evening, a little impromptu to drinks party at the Flat- to finish things off. C was a gentleman throughout.

Senior Duck Gets C Sorted

C enlisted a bit of a star helper for his packing. The important stuff is ready to go to Southfields now.

Last Week-end

This will be the last week-end in the Flat where Bella and I met, and C spent his first several months. I'll try and get some pictures- maybe even video- up of the last days. We're moving to Southfields- an area just south of the Thames, but still within Tube distance. If you'd like the new address, just email Bella or I. Many, many fond memories...


As C can pull himself up to things, he can now find objects. Here he's found a big Teddy Dog- a gift from my college roommate. Mark are you paying attention?

Again, Ready for the Car

We took this last week in the living room. This could be some of the last footage in C's first home- we move next week. He's thinking he may drive himself to the next house.


We spent this past week-end down in Brighton with good friends Katrina and Edward. The boys had a ball together. Rupert is just a bit older than C.

I Came, I Stood, I Left.

Click the white triangle at the bottom of the screen.

Next Step: Learning to Drive the Family Car

Just a little snippet of C learning to stand up on his own.


Our little champ was weighed and measured a couple of days ago. He's still very tall for his age (a massive 2 foot 4), which puts him in the 91st percentile. And he weighs in at just under 20 poounds (55th percentile). So he's tall and thin. Here he is exploring the kitchen.

New pictures in Flickr

I've uploaded three new pictures to flickr. Frankly, they're very sweet, very good- one in the bath, one at Hyde Park, one at home. Just click on the logo at the right on the top of the picture tile and you'll see them all.

More Movement

Here's a bit of crawling video. Just click the white triangle at the bottom to play.

Getting Balance

Philipp, our very good friend in Hamburg, has commented that this blog is a bit like a soap opera- various installments with a dramatic element. So, today's installment shows C balancing himself on the secretary. A dramatic element because 50% of the time he ends up back on the floor with a bump to the head.

Typical Feast at the Park Home

C eats well- a great variety of food and he's not picky. His is, however, very enthusiastic for his meals!