
Showing posts from November, 2012

The Hampden-Turners Come to Lunch

Mike, Di, Penelope and Charlie made it over for Saturday lunch today.  Bells cooked a big beef roast, while the kids played upstairs. Here's the four kids back in 2009 . And here they are today- Charlie as Frankenstein. Charlie, Pen, C and D

C's letter to Grandma, Grand-Dad and Unkell Nate


Recent D

D pen in hand as writer They can eat as much fresh fruit as they want!

C, teeth and writing

A few recent developments: C lost another tooth last week.  So enjoyed putting his straw through the gap in his teeth whenever he drank. C with the second tooth gone.  We've begun practising writing at home.  In an effort to turn homework into something less dreadful, we've tried to find ways to accomplish the task in a somewhat fun way. Here's an example of practice- writing a list of the steps to build a paper airplane. How to make a paper airplane

A Few Days in Kent

We carpe diem-ed it at the end of last week, and ventured to a small cottage in Kent- in the town of Tenterden. D, who is sitting here with me now, tells me we did lots of fun things. Like play at the playground nearby. Go to the beach at Rye (horrible weather- video later). Saw army tanks out for the upcoming Remembrance Day. Went for walks. Drawing and writing (video to follow). Found mussel shells along a canal. Went to a fireworks fest for Guy Fawkes (the fireworks didn't work, although we did have mounds of cotton candy floss). On the shore at Rye on a cold and windy day Playing army in Tenterden C along the canal at Small Hythe D with the setting sun at the end of the walk