We are not amused

Not the most flattering of pictures, but here's C sitting in his bath wearing a flannel. I think he realises that his Daddy is taking the mickey out of him ever so slightly.


Anonymous said…
Of course he's not amused - you haven't knotted his hankey at all 4 corners in traditional British fashion.
Anonymous said…
In the interest of equality for us primitives over here on the other side of the pond, perhaps you could clarify a few minor points.

First, what the hell does "taking the mickey out of him" mean? Is that some bizarre Cockney slang, or are you so brain-addled by continuous exposure to an infant that you can no longer formulate rational thoughts?

Second, although his father had a brief period of his youth during which he wore a four-knot hankey on his head, that is hardly an acceptable fashion statement for today's up-and-coming executives. Is the London branch seriously considering delegating to the paternal side of the management team the responsibility of dressing the new acquisition?
Anonymous said…
Looks like he is wearing a yarmulke. Good to see you are exposing him to diversity at a young age. I have a few extras should you like me to send C one or two.-MAS

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