Triage at The Park House

Bells seized an opportunity to go to a movie with a friend after work, so I was happy to oblige and pick up the kids from nursery today.

As I walked into The Gardens, a form was thrust at me requiring my signature. C has taken a tumble, put a good goose bump on his forehead, and the staff wanted to alert me.

An un-noticed sign of what was to come.

Soon after we all got home, C and D decided it would be fun to race from the book room down the hallway. We set a long ribbon across the hallway with tape to mark the finish line.

After a few warm up sprints, D tripped. This resulted in a bloody nose.

While I tended to her, C removed the tape and loosely wrapped the ribbon around the banister about chest height.

Next thing I know, C is sprawled out on the hallway floor crying, having clotheslined himself on the ribbon in a sprint.

So, I've got D dripping blood and tears all over my shoulder. I'm trying to reassure C that he actually hasn't broken his neck. And I'm sneezing- 5 or 6 times in a row- because my allergies kicked in today.

Two of the three are now fast asleep.


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