The Endangered Stag Beetle

On my run yesterday, I almost tripped over this thing- as long as your finger!

So, I wrapped up Lucanus Cervus in my tee shirt and brought him home. C and I talked about what he eats (wood) and where he lives (dead trees). C thought he was sad, and I think both sides were a bit intimidated.

It turns out that it is an Internationally Protected Species, and in serious decline in the UK!

So we put him in a jar and took him to the park to roam free.


Ian said…
They are breath-taking! It might sound odd, but when I came to Southfields for my interview I spotted a crushed Stag beetle outside Greggs, and although I mourned its passing, I was elated that it had been a local resident. have you seen the beautifully illustrated book,' Bugs Britannica'?

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