Tenacious D and the Educated Reader

Most Americans of my generation will be familiar with Tenacious D- a comic rock band fronted by Jack Black.  We have our own Tenacious D in the Park Family.

Randomly, Dorothy took a shine to her like-a-bike today (a like-a-bike is a bike that has no pedals and teaches kids balance while steering).  It has been the un-used birthday gift in favour of her scooter.

She decided to ride it to the park down the street.  Even though she is about an inch too short to put it to full use.  And has never spent any real time on it in the past.

On her tiptoes, very slowly the entire way.  Lots of wobbles and falling over.  Tears even at some points.

I offered to help but she vehemently would not allow it.  She was going to get to the park on her own on the like-a-bike or die trying.  She made it.

C has been really enjoying learning to read.  He's very good at sounding out words and then repeating them.

Today, he picked a book that my parents gave him- The Cow in Apple Time.  A poem by Robert Frost.

It is more advanced than anything he's ever read.

The interesting bits were the fact that he picked something to read which he has never read before, and that when he encountered tough, strange words, he just kept on going, sounding them out.

Maybe a bit like D.


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