
Showing posts from February, 2009

Uncle Nate and his next adventure

As if helping with C and D wasn't adventure enough, Uncle Nate has just found true employment. He's off to Kabul, Afghanistan on Sunday for a 6 month job. We had a wee celebration for him on Wednesday- his choice of drinks and food. Martini's and lots of bacon (can't get much of either in a Muslim country). Even C had a special tipple.


Allotment 09! and Grandpa

C and I journeyed today to the the allotment for the first time this season. We each spent a fair bit of time digging and getting muddy. D, who is on the verge of crawling, spent some time with Grandpa Wigan a few days back.

Father/Son project time

C and I took ourselves off to B&Q (like Home Depot in the US) on Saturday morning. We came home with tools, wood, screws and assorted other stuff. By lunchtime, we had a big chalkboard on the kitchen wall for the kids to draw on (and Mummy and Dad to remind each other of various things).

D's Christening is set

Since we've officially named the Godparents here , it's about time we confirm the date of Dorothy's christening. Sunday, the 10th of May in the United States. It will take place at the church that I grew up in- the Church of the Holy Nativity . This is also the place where C was christened back in 2006. We're still trying to organize something for this side of the pond- stay tuned.

A lovely lunch in Oxford

We took a drive to Oxford on Saturday, and met up with some close friends of Bella's. Graham and Rachel (and their kids Rory and Millie) hosted us, as well as the mutual friends Idioa and Inigo (and their daughter Liea). Rory and Millie took great care of Christian, so that the adults could share a bit of wine over lunch, and then some Basque liqueur for pudding.