
Showing posts from May, 2013

The School Disco

Sheringdale held their annual school disco this evening.  Its a gymnasium full of 4 to 8 year olds, flashing lights, pop music and a dj encouraging the kids to "make some noise!". Of course, around the edges are the parents trying to look cool swaying to the beats. For the Parks, it was a family affair: Bells collected tickets and kept the riff raff out, C won an award for best dancer and D led a group of girls who climbed up on stage. Dad just stood at the back and swayed to the beats...trying to look cool.

D playing after church-Sunday morning


Baseball in the UK

C is enthusiastic for baseball this spring.  He's developed good eye hand coordination by learning cricket.  Here he is with the wiffle ball and bat- a gift from Godfather Ubu a few seasons back. They (and me) are getting a constant workout at the park.

Walking in the spring weather outside Reading

We spent a night away from London last Friday- outside of Reading in the country.  Bells found a suitable hotel with a pool for the kids and great food. C and D tried some new things- swordfish, black pudding and a few others. Saturday morning we went for a walk around the grounds in a light rain.

Recent proportion of hands

The continuing series of proportion:  All hands on deck. Here are some earlier ones- here , here and here .